
April 25, 2019

Why Fewer People Belong to Church: 6. ABUSE

Jesus told Peter, “Do you love me? Then feed my sheep.” In our day, part of that “feeding” necessitates cleansing and bandaging the wounds that many of God’s people have received from the butchering and abuse of harassment from within the church.
February 21, 2017

What Post-Christian Thinking People Want: 4) Relational Initiative

Robin S. Sharma once stated: “the business of business is relationships.  The business of life is human connection.”  We live in a world with so much communication technology at the touch of our fingers, yet the touch that most people need and want–especially post-Christian minded ones–is the touch that comes from altruistic human initiative. The kind of relational initiative that I am referring to is not a utilitarian kind of connection (“I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”), but rather the genuine attempt to connect with another person for who they are, and for what you see in them […]
February 8, 2017

What Post-Christian Thinking People Want 2) Transparency

Mother Teresa, the late Founder of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India said often: “Honesty and transparency will make you vulnerable.  Be honest and transparent anyway.”  Her words remind us that in an age of skepticism, criticism and doubt over motives, what post-Christian thinking people want is transparency, something that illuminates an open path directly to the human heart. The idea behind transparency is allowing light to enter freely so that people can see to the core with clear and unobstructed vision.  In increasing ways, society has become more skeptical of the way advertising is presented and politics are played because people […]