
February 21, 2020

How Important are Role Responsibilities in Marriage? Or, What Happens When Marital Roles are Reversed?

Genesis 2-3 presents a clear picture of divine role-identity, and what happens when it is reversed. So, what came first: “the chicken” (Adam’s silence) or “the egg” (Eve’s pro-activity)? In Greek thought (Aristotle), the “chicken” was always first. In Genesis 3, it is no different.
February 13, 2020

How Important are Role Responsibilities in Marriage? Or, What Happens When the Husband Doesn’t Do What He’s Called to Do?

The role-responsibilities dynamic means seeing and pursuing the creation design that God established for relationships.
October 31, 2019

Why the Husband Must FIRST See Christ’s Submission in Order to Make His Marriage Meaningful

If the husband will first see Christ’s submission to God the Father, and then pattern his submission to Christ, his marriage would almost overnight be changed.
October 4, 2019

Weaving a Life Together as ONE: Which Side (Bible or Post-Christian) Goes Deeper?

When both parties pursue the altruistic-good of the other in an attempt to reach deeper mental, emotional, and spiritual unity, happiness and fulfillment will mark the marriage relationship.
September 27, 2019

As Long as We Both Shall LIVE vs. As Long as We Both Shall LOVE: Where’s the Benefit?

With sustained, life-long commitment, not only do personal lives possess the potential for realized emotional and psychological contentment, but also children and communities stand to benefit from it as well.
August 1, 2019

Saving and Preparing Ourselves vs. Co-Habitation: Which One Works Best?

A past and present generation has found many times that co-habitation has failed in producing what they desired—intimacy. A future generation needs, even wants role models that will show them the value of lasting, relational oneness.
July 26, 2019

Marriage: The Bible’s Portrait or the Post-Christian Culture’s Depiction?

The time is right to compare and to contrast how our post-Christian culture seeks to derive meaning and value from marriage, and how the Bible portrays it for the welfare and happiness of human life and culture.
November 1, 2018

Is There Hope and a Future for Gen Z Youth with the Church?

Today we conclude our series of blogs on Gen Z culture (those born 1998-2015), asking this central question: based on all the emerging research on this new youth generation, will the church be able to reach them?  Twenty or more years from now when they are adults, bringing children into the world (if Jesus tarries), will the church be there or extinct?  Is there a hope and a future for them and the church? Using research from the Barna Group and Impact 360 Institute (their book, Gen Z, 103-106), we find that in some ways the church possesses opportunities to […]
October 17, 2018

Youth Ministry to Gen Z Teens: Are we Hitting the Mark?

In our continuing series, we’re reviewing research from the Barna Group and Impact 360 Institute over the trends emerging in the Gen Z culture (those born from 1998—2015).  Last time, we examined how a sizable number of parents felt ill-equipped to disciple their teen children, and how the church must disciple the parents in order to reach their children.  Today, we’re going to review research examining youth ministry to today’s Gen Z’ers.  Is it effective and impactful?  What can we learn? The authors and editors at Impact 360 Institute (their book, Gen Z) surveyed a number of parents and youth […]
October 11, 2018

Discipling Parents to Disciple their Gen Z Teens

For a number of weeks, we have reviewed current research outlining the trends/patterns of belief and practice among the new Gen Z culture (born 1998-2015). To an age that struggles with identity, lives with anxiety over their financial future and the prospects of a stable employment, and often hides behind technology and social media as a “screenager,” parents often find themselves ill-equipped and under-resourced in discipling their Gen Z’ers to live responsibly in the world.  It is here that the church can have one of its greatest ministries: disciple and equip the parents of Gen Z youth so that they […]