
March 8, 2017

What Post-Christian Thinking People Want: 5) Authenticity

I appreciate the words of the Skin Horse in The Velveteen Rabbit: “Real isn’t how you are made. It’s a thing that happens to you. When a child loves you for a long, long time, not just to play with, but REALLY loves you, then you become Real.”  This notion of “becoming real” is about the primacy of authenticity in the presentation of our ideas, intentions, and motivations. In short, authenticity involves presenting the genuine “YOU” with no barriers, no screens, no covers, and no disguises.  In our post-Christian thinking world, people want to see the heart, not a cover-up. Part of the […]
February 21, 2017

What Post-Christian Thinking People Want: 4) Relational Initiative

Robin S. Sharma once stated: “the business of business is relationships.  The business of life is human connection.”  We live in a world with so much communication technology at the touch of our fingers, yet the touch that most people need and want–especially post-Christian minded ones–is the touch that comes from altruistic human initiative. The kind of relational initiative that I am referring to is not a utilitarian kind of connection (“I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine”), but rather the genuine attempt to connect with another person for who they are, and for what you see in them […]